safety policy

For Airborne Support, airworthiness, quality, and workmanship in performance of maintenance of aircraft components is of highest priority. We are committed to continuously improve the quality of products and services to meet our customers’ satisfaction. This includes safety, reliability, performance, and customer values. In this respect refer to the statement of commitment by the Accountable Manager in sub-part 1.1.

Airborne Support’s safety and quality policies shall be achieved by the establishment, maintenance and continuous improvement of a quality management system that encompasses all personnel and activities. In defining this quality management system Airborne Support is committed to:

  • Comply with all the applicable legislation, to meet all the applicable requirements, and adopt practices to improve safety standards
  • Provide the necessary resources for the implementations of the safety policy
  • Apply human factors principle
  • Encourage personnel to report maintenance related errors and incidents in a non-punitive environment
  • Always recognize safety as prime consideration for all personnel
  • Recognize the need for all personnel to cooperate with internal auditors
  • Ensure that safety standards are not reduced by commercial imperatives
  • Ensure good use of resources and pay particular attention to carry out correct maintenance at the first attempt (do it right the first time)
  • Train all personnel to be aware of human factors and set a continuous training program in this field per the applicable requirements of this MOE
  • Ensure maintenance procedures are always kept current
  • Encourage all personnel to understand that quality standards are their responsibility and that it is their duty to comply with the policy set out in this MOE and strive to both, maintain, and improve quality standards at every opportunity
  • Develop and embed a safety culture in all our activities that recognizes the importance and value of effective safety management and acknowledges at all the times that safety is paramount Minimize the risks associated with all aspects of operations to a point that is as low as reasonably practicable and achievable
  • Safety Objective of ABS is “No accident” and “No injury” in every maintenance and fabrication activities through implementing necessary corrective and preventive actions.

Safety objectives of ABS includes:

  1. To identify and eliminate or minimize hazardous conditions in all processes and operations related to maintenance and fabrication.
  2. To perform hazard and risk assessment for all proposed new equipment acquisitions, facilities, operations and procedures
  3. To perform hazard identification and risk management
  4. To provide a safe, healthy work environment for all personnel
  5. To minimize accidents incidents that is attributable to organizational factors
  6. To prevent damage and injury to property and people resulting from ABS operations
  7. To improve the effectiveness of the safety management system through a yearly safety audit that reviews all aspects of the SMS.
  8. Building up a safety culture in the company.